diamataceous earth indoor soil questions

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
My issue is fungus gnats I want to beat before they beat me. After much reading Im a little scared of gognats (cedar oil), everything else seems hit or miss as far as neem, soaps, dunks, pearlite, sand, predators. Only other thing id try is azamax but can't get it right now. D.E. seems like it has awesome results, year round, for a fraction of the price. My questions are, does food grade matter? I believe its like 5% sodium... Is that a threat? How and where to apply? Spray? What about my fans blowing around powder?

Yes, another gnat thread, sry.


How well would a home made mighty wash drench work on the larva?


Well-Known Member
I use food grade DE sprinkled on the floor of my grow room just incase anything crawls or lands in my room.

I personally like SPINOSAD for insect problems.

Any gnat product that contained BT Bascilis thirengiensis or something to that effect will work.

The flyers aren't the problem, its the larvae. Stop them from feeding. Yellow sticky traps will help to catch flyers before they can lay eggs etc.

You could sprinkle a fine coat of DE over the top of your soil but be careful as it has a tendency to clump up and clog your medium. Any time you water you'll need to reapply.

Don't worry about DE blowing around your room. Its pretty harmless to us to breath. It just gives you a tickley throat. Any DE that lands on your plants still works on any pests that it touches.

I love the thought that it cuts them like a razor blade. Lol.


ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
I use food grade DE sprinkled on the floor of my grow room just incase anything crawls or lands in my room.

I personally like SPINOSAD for insect problems.

Any gnat product that contained BT Bascilis thirengiensis or something to that effect will work.

The flyers aren't the problem, its the larvae. Stop them from feeding. Yellow sticky traps will help to catch flyers before they can lay eggs etc.

You could sprinkle a fine coat of DE over the top of your soil but be careful as it has a tendency to clump up and clog your medium. Any time you water you'll need to reapply.

Don't worry about DE blowing around your room. Its pretty harmless to us to breath. It just gives you a tickley throat. Any DE that lands on your plants still works on any pests that it touches.

I love the thought that it cuts them like a razor blade. Lol.

Thanks! Those gnats will rue the day! : )