diagnose please


Well-Known Member
so these are outdoor in 7 gal pots roots organic soil + bat guano and DE.
they are 2-4 weeks from done about 4-6 weeks into flower. hairs just starting to turn red on this permafrost strain.
the buds are thin and loose compared to the one i have in the ground that isnt showing this damage.

there was some thrip damage. treated with spinosad. 2 plants still showing reduced thrips under potato wedges. the other 2 i havent seen any under the potato wedges. not sure if i should do another spinosad treatment. been a week since i did the first treatment.

they are all showing the same damage on the upper leaves. lower leaves are yellowing and falling off but seems a little early for the lower fan leaves to fall off.

age old organics bloom with molassas every other watering 0.5 oz per gal. the water here is ph 7.

are they getting over fert and its just time to start flushing? or is it a nutrient deficency and i need to feed. or is it because the roots are damaged from the thrips?

please advise what to do.
this is my 2nd outdoor.



Well-Known Member

Looks like nutrient burn, flush your pot with ph adjusted water 2x pot volume. With such a rich soil mixture you might have some trouble washing the nutes out.

You're going to loose leaves regardless, but flushing will reduce damage.



Well-Known Member

The yellowing on the bottom fan leaves is normal later in flower, as they give up their nitrogen to the rest of the plant.

I think nutrient burn rather than deficiency because most of the leaf tips are brown, a good sign.

If you've thought that it's been deficiency for several waterings you may have been over fertilizing, causing more burn.


"Water PH is 7."

Is this after adding nutrients to your water?
