diagnose please w pics


Well-Known Member

can someone tell me what is going on here?
this is my second hydro, 1st dwc

my stats are
TGA agent orange from seed
1300 ppm
4 gal o water in each bucket, transplaneted into these DWC buckets 1 week ago, so new roots are now plentyfull and touching water.
35watt air pump with Medium cylinder air stones 1 in each bucket.
ph 6
air temps are 80ish
600w HPS is on 24/7. (they were started under blue T5, but thought i would be flowering these next week, so i threw them under the 600 hps to get them going.

Pure blend pro, hygrozime (10ml per bucket), few drops of superthrive OG, aqua shield as directed, and cal mag as directed, inoculated with roots organizim

the only thing i can see being a problems is cold water. they are in a garage with 50F air temps. i dont have a water thermometer, but i just started putting in aquarium heaters, i have 2 and have been rotating them every 12 hours to keep the water warmer, but i just started this yesterday.

is it cold water nutrient lock out?
i am starting to see yellow leaves at the bottom (N def) today.


I agree, I keep my water on a shelf near my lights to get it as close to room temp as possible. Aim for a 75 room temp, they are quite resilient, just watch out for overwatering, over fertilizing, and maybe try stacking the buckets on top of something to get it off ground floor


Well-Known Member
so the yellowing is definetly from cold water?

i dont know the exact temp of the water in the buckets, prob low 60s high 50s