Diagnose my plants! - 2013 Outdoor


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow growers,

my outdoor grow for this year is well underway and my plants are doing awesome for the most part! I've just noticed a couple things on the leaves of a few of the plants that I'm not familiar with. First there appear to be some clusters of small circular white spots on a few of the leaves. I have no idea what this could be except that it's possibly caused by insects.. I've attached pictures. And second there is a white cloudiness on some older leaves on a few plants which sort of resembles powdery mildew but again I'm not totally sure what it is. Take a look at the pics and if anyone can help identify either of these issues and/or recommend a suitable treatment I would greatly appreciate it!

P.S. I also attached a pic of a nice looking leaf mutation on my Super Lemon Haze for your viewing pleasure



Well-Known Member
It isn't insects, but rather one of the many fungal/viral diseases that affect cannabis when mixed with native plants.

Judging by your amount of sun/pics, they should outgrow the problem by flowering time.

Or, I would try a broad spectrum organic fungicide if problem persists.


Well-Known Member
Does the white coating look like powdery mildew or something else? I can't tell. It only affects the surface of leaves.. it looks somewhat different from other pictures of powdery mildew i've seen online