Diagnose my plant?


Active Member
Okay where to start, well i am a big time NEWB! I got a clone in rockwool for free from a friend that has a buddy that works at a medical shop. It is now about 7/8 days and when i first got it i did not know exactly what to do so i bought a pot and a bag of miracle grow seed/cutting starter and planted it i have been watering it and spraying it with distelled water i know it has started to root now but i think i am over watering it and that the soil might be too much, it droops and 1 leaf is dry the other is half dry but their are still some leaves barely sprouting looking healty. It gets about 10-12 hours of sun per day at around 70 degrees. Can someone guide me in what to do next to have my Bubba Kush x SweetTooth plant survive? I know i have done many errors i am just looking for advice on what to do, how much should i water it a day? or any other tips PLEASE DONT BASH I AM A NEWB



Well-Known Member
As far as the watering goes. Water till you get run off out of the bottom of the planter then do not water till the soil dries up. If your new growth is healthy do not worry about the first set of leaves drying up. The plant uses all the nutes stored in the leaves to produce roots. If your new growth looks healthy then you should be ok.


Active Member
As far as the watering goes. Water till you get run off out of the bottom of the planter then do not water till the soil dries up. If your new growth is healthy do not worry about the first set of leaves drying up. The plant uses all the nutes stored in the leaves to produce roots. If your new growth looks healthy then you should be ok.
Ok well ill slow the watering down alot, but i am not exactly sure how successfully the plant has rooted i mean last i checked 4 days ago it had little tiny roots so should i still spray the leaves with water?

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
new growth looks o.k dont panic just yet 9-) it from a clone or seed? if its from a clone most of the time old growth will yellow and die off why plant so low in the pot??? dont do it yet but when you need to re pot use the full pot not like you have done.

watch the new growth not the old if its a cutting. show us a pic in a few days of the crown and we can tell better if there is somthing wrong or not.


thoseleaves look crisp what r u feeding her? whatkind of soil?

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
looking at the plant again it does look like it has wet feet, but its not that bad if it was bad the leaf would look like it had no water and look like its wilted let the pot dry so the top 2 or inches dry out this will help with the root growth also= plants roots search for water and nutes = bigger root mass = bigger plants = bigger buds! more roots more shoots -more bud come harvest time!

its nothing to do with nutes my be ph out of wack? the plant is young even if it was grown in the desert it would still get all it needs at that age if it had enough water! i laugh at people who jump on the what nutes are you feeding it malarky LOL its a fucking weed it grows anyware in you sitingy nettles out the back to the side of the road the mistake most people make is giving it to much! trying to make it grow faster. i.e giving it to much of all these > light to close to soon, to much feed, to water, to much love, in the end will kill it! its a weed at the end of the day and will grow anyware you put it providing the enviroment is good! cannabis will grow out your arse if the inviroment is good never mind the nutes!


Active Member
new growth looks o.k dont panic just yet 9-) it from a clone or seed? if its from a clone most of the time old growth will yellow and die off why plant so low in the pot??? dont do it yet but when you need to re pot use the full pot not like you have done.

watch the new growth not the old if its a cutting. show us a pic in a few days of the crown and we can tell better if there is somthing wrong or not.
well its a cutting but ill leave it alone for a good 2-3 days then repost a pic and when i repot ill follow your advice! 1 question tho its an outdoor grown plant and its still a baby and it is going to rain for a good 3 days so i bought a lamp so i can give it some light until the sun dies out do you think this is a good idea?

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
well its a cutting but ill leave it alone for a good 2-3 days then repost a pic and when i repot ill follow your advice! 1 question tho its an outdoor grown plant and its still a baby and it is going to rain for a good 3 days so i bought a lamp so i can give it some light until the sun dies out do you think this is a good idea?
its to early to plant outdoors and that plant is to small IMHO 1 slug will eat that on its own. get it under your light untill its bigger and then take it outside.