Design Me A Tattoo.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, if you got any good designs post em. Or if someone could help me add more detail to a tattoo which is already drawn, if I post a picture of it.


Well-Known Member

Ok guys, thats it! Oldschool but I want it extended and created into a piece which can be put on my ribs.

First the girl, what i'm after is her to be alot more detailed. That thing near her neck is meant to be a tie. I would like it to be sorta like a pin up girl still profile but maybe even slightly facing forward to show more face but mainly profile. Would like to carry her shoulders down into the bottom of the branches which instead of a floating head. Maybe showing slight clevage, keep in mind I dont want the look of a bikey girl tattoo. lol

Branches would like em to be thicker and have leaves and some blossums resembing leafs from this tree here. (Keeping in mind this is a guys tattoo not to blossumy.)

Would like em to be in same position like those but maybe extended up some now considering it is going to be fairly big and needs to go up my side. Would like it detailed and keeping a interesting look to it going up maybe added some sprouts off the side of it etc. Doesnt have to be completely semetrical. Could go up and cross over again creating a new oval where a new pic may be inserted along the same theme??

Could be extended slightly lower to get the size into it.

All up want it to be along the same lines but modified for the newer times. To make it interesting yet significant.

Btw add some color if you think itll look good. If some of you great drawers could help me out. Greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to improve resolution. Got any famous female faces in mind? Or at least one on the Internet?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, if you got any good designs post em. Or if someone could help me add more detail to a tattoo which is already drawn, if I post a picture of it.

got me an idea for a new tat,,,gonna be a dragon,,,either coming out of the center of my back,,or clinging to my shoulder,,no matter which,,it's head will be turned and breathing fire and smoke,,so don't steal it :idea:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
your best bet is to go have a laser session or two then get the girl done again like on your ribs,but go to a artist that will take his or her time to really develop it. you have really bold lines and that took away from the original detail. the lines widened as the ink set, so given the approx years under the skin,you prob got that tat about 17-18yrs ago and the ink should be less concentrated. a laser session would do wonders and rid u of it. it should take no more than 3 sessions at best.

if you want that tat covered up,then go with a pure black,gray and white tat cover up. it will be easy to cover that up,you might beable to turn her into a skull and cross bones


Well-Known Member

I want a updated more detailed version of it.