depression help


Well-Known Member
ok so im not a medical patient, though try to use as such. i suffer from depression, anger and anxiety. lately my depression is getting bad and i feel like just too much shit has been put on my shoulders this last month. i am looking for a strain to help this. i grow alot of my own smoke and currently have ww which is still curing. i know marijuana wont help alot with anxiety, but i want to find a strain that has little anxiety and makes me..i guess giggily. also that i can go to work on and last hours on end. i know what does this guy want the ultimate weed? no. im completely willing to sacrifice thc content on this. the anger goes away when i smoke, usually, no matter the strain. it really sucks that no matter what, i will never get rid of these issues for good.


Well-Known Member
You can beat both those issues, takes time and knowledge, you have both at your finger tips. If your under 20 weed is not going to help with depression but likely make it worse. If you want to manage this issues with pot you should e making butter and cooking up some cookies. They will help more than smoking and will give you the added benifit of being medicated at work for long periods of time. Mine last up to 6 hours on a cookie.