Dems have found a new way to avoid 2010 elections


Well-Known Member
Fuck all you conservative douchbags. I've never seen so much evil hate and spite for the opposition in my entire life. What has happened to this world that brings out so much hate. I'm surely glad I've got my guns to protect me from the wrath of scumbags like you on the right. Fuck all of you. I wouldn't piss on any one of you if you were on fire. John Murtha was a patriot and a hero. Edward Kennedy was the champion of and for the people. What has rotted your brains? Evil and hate is what fuels your rhetoric. This political section has turned into teabag scumbag central.
You have either got to be kidding or completely out of your mind Med. There has NEVER been more vitriol and hatred spewed out than there has from the Progressives for the last 8 years. I couldn't even BEGIN to touch the bottom of the standards that have been set by your wacko lefty friends and compatriots. This thread wasn't created just to fire a return salvo, regardless of how much you pukes deserve it, it was created because the man truly was a piece of dog excrement and the US is a much better place for his departure.


Active Member
Goodbye and good riddance John Murtha.

One of the true embarrassments to this country has croaked, and I for one haven't been this happy since Rev. Faldwell left us. Christopher Hitchen's quote about Faldwell certainly applies to to Murtha as well "If you gave him an enema, he could be buried in a matchbox".

Unless I'm mistaken, big wet flopping douchebags tend to die in 3's. So, the Dems could lose two more of their brethren.

Have to give him some respect for his service in Vietnam, but since then, yeah... pretty much a straight up douchebag.
get cancer


New Member
Damn, Med-'O-Mao is off of his meds again. Either that, or he's relapsed and is back on the sauce. :lol: