
about a year ago i offically started deadrobotclothing up, its been a slow work in progress for almost 10 years now but proving to be more than worth its wait. im a freelance artist as well as active in the graf writing community. with these strong roots in art and activism the line will also be slowly be undertaking a political line to help support our rights as US citizens to govern ourselves in the democratic sense that we were initally entitled to. outside of this deadrobotclothing will be forming its own network of readily available artists all simply by the artist choosing to join into the line. im looking for supporters, consumers, lenders, salesman, donators, or litterally anything that can help to support the line.

im more than willing to pay commission on orders acrewed by you of your friends or... whatever... LETS MAKE THAT MONEY AND BRING THE POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE... im tried of america looking like one big strip mall. from coast to coast, theres only a dozen different places it seems like you can go... OR, you can get stoned and go do something else.

support the movement, support yourself, support artists. deadrobot.

seriously, ANYTHING you want to contribute, offer, barter, whatever, im more than willing to hear it out...