Day 7- Possible problem?


Active Member
Ok, so this is my first grow. I have been monitoring my plant, and after the first set of leaves it seems to have just stop growing. I have the plant on 18/6. Is there something wrong or is it just a slow grower? I dont know Im getting bad vibes from the plant like shes trying to tell me something is wrong. Or I might just be over analizing shit. Either way heres a pic. Give me your opinions on the matter.
Sorry about not uploading the pic properly. The mobile version of this forum sucks. I will make a tapatalk compatibility request post soon.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
She looks good dont Over water her you will cause major problems and death. She's most likly trying to focus of root growth but it could also be a ph issue I would buy some lime from an garden center and apply some, make sure its garden lime called dolomite lime


Active Member
Yeah I try to water every 2-3 days depending on how dry the soil is. Now more often before because I bought her a nice 68 watt CFL and it gets a bit hot. More than the fluorescent tube i had before. Thanks for your tip I will look for the dolemite lime on my next home depot trip. Im currently working on building her a grow box.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't just go dumping lime in, check your PH first!
Unless your water is REALLY jacked up, or your soil is crappy from the get go, you shouldn't need anything for at least the first 2-3 weeks.
Be patient, make sure your drainage, light and temp is good and give it a few days to focus on growing it's roots then if you're still worried about it, update your thread with some newer pics.
Here's a couple charts that you may find useful later on.View attachment 2376000View attachment 2376001

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
You should not water every 2 or 3 days that's a big pot I start seedlings in 12oz cups and water once a week, up until they about 1 week old just cause the top is dry does not mean to water stick your finger 3 inches into the soil and see is its dry.


Active Member
I wouldn't just go dumping lime in, check your PH first!
Unless your water is REALLY jacked up, or your soil is crappy from the get go, you shouldn't need anything for at least the first 2-3 weeks.
Be patient, make sure your drainage, light and temp is good and give it a few days to focus on growing it's roots then if you're still worried about it.
I use bottled water so I don't think thats the problem. As for the soil, I just got this soil called Rainforest Potting Soil from home depot. It was quite cheap but it came with perlite and it said it was ph balanced. What Imma do is watch the plant carefully for the rest of the week till I get paid. On saturday I gotta go get the mats for the grow box, I will pick up a ph testing kit and some bug strips. Thats another thing I wanted to mention. There are bugs flying around the light, and a few times I have seen these little white bugs that look like grains of rice walking on the top soil. Should I be worried or are those light bugs harmless? Im sorry about the dumb questins I just want my baby to be ok.

UPDATE: Ok, I did some research and found a sweet bug identification guide by Godspeed over at 420magazine. From the looks of it, I am dealing with thrips. I keep reading that those are the worst, so now Im scared. What do you guys suggest for nuking these motherfuckers back to the stone age? Keep in mind I am on a frustratingly low budget. Also I might be wrong about the bug being thrips so today I will post pictures to make sure.


Well-Known Member
You are doing that baby a real disservice by watering it every 2-3 days. That's a BIG pot for a seedling. Not a problem, but you need to be aware of what that means. Roots grow when they need to SEARCH for water. It doesn't matter how dry the soil surface might look. Thats not where your roots are.

You want to let that pot REALLY dry out, so that your roots will "chase" the moisture around your pot, top to bottom, side to side, until the whole thing is nearly dry. Then, and only then, water thoroughly until you see runoff. This is how cannabis likes to drink. Watering too often creates a weak root system (because it has no need to search out moisture), and often leads to root problems down the line (damping off, root rot, AND PESTS!!!). Wet soil is very inviting to pests like thrips, white flies, and fungus gnats.

EDIT: What you describe sounds more like whiteflies than thrips. Get some sticky traps in there!


Active Member
Yeah. You're right. I tend to water when the top of the soil is dry. And yeah the pot is like 4-5 inches across. Its the smallest one they had at home depot. I will let it dry throughly before watering from here on out. I water out of love for my plant but if its doing them more harm than good, I gotta stop. Also I am getting neem oil and bug strips. Think that will handle the pest problem?

EDIT: The bugs arent white flies. White flies have big, oval wings and are easy to spot. The bugs i have look more like grasshoppers kinda. They have their wings to the side tucked in, they move very fast, and they come in different colors. The ones ive seen in the soil are yellowish white the ones flying around are semi dark grey.

EDIT 2: I bought a magnifying glass so I can correctly identify the bugs. I was looking at pictures and white flies are quitr small so I might be confusing them with thrips. Will post pictures once I get home.