Damage Control - Bud Mold, Help Please!


I left town for a 6 days and when I came back I noticed bud-rot on 1 of the 4 varieties I am growing. The mold is located within the most dense upper colas and ranges from really bad in a couple buds to very mild to a few other buds (barely noticable when I disassebled the cola into small nugs). Fortunately, this only affected less than 10% of the crop, and it was my least impressive looking variety of the bunch (Odyssey)...I believe it happened only to this variety because it was shorter than the others (thus not getting good enough air flow), and the plant was due to finish in around 2-5 days wheras the other varieties probably have 2 weeks remaining. I emmediately cut the affected upper colas, but left the lower portion of the plant that did not appear to be affected.

1) How do a I save the buds that were lightly affected (I trashed the one cola that was bad but would like to save the others)? Should I "speed dry" the lightly affected buds by hanging with a little forced air flow?

2) I suppose I should cut the entire plant down of the affected colas.

3) How mush do I have to worry about the affected plant "transferring" the mold to the other plants? The best portion of my crop is still airy and likely needs 2+ weeks to finish...so can I simply increase air flow, reduce humity and watch the remaining plants closely?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a dehumidifier to keep them plants in check.

I dont wanna sound like an asshole but, How could you leave your house for 6 days with a light blaring away???

Also, Plants need daily check ups..

Its a routine around here.

If your not serious about growing, you may wanna try a different hobby.

Best of luck.


Yeah, think your right...dehomidifier it is.

Unexpected trip for family emergency :( Actually had someone checking in on them, but person has no experience...really didn't have a choice in the matter.

Sounds like you need a dehumidifier to keep them plants in check.

I dont wanna sound like an asshole but, How could you leave your house for 6 days with a light blaring away???

Also, Plants need daily check ups..

Its a routine around here.

If your not serious about growing, you may wanna try a different hobby.

Best of luck.