Cutting leaves?? Will they grow back??(pics)


Well-Known Member
my plant is about 2 weeks into flowering.. i am ready to make marijuana tea with some leaves.. say, i do cut 3 or 4 big leaves off with my plant grow back its leaves.. does the plant need those leaves to survive..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The leaves will not grow back..

If your plant is super duper healthy you probably can afford to cut some fan leavs from the bottom..

It is never recommended to cut any leaves.. they are capturing the LIGHT and using the energy to grow :)

BUT if you must, use bottom leaves..



Well-Known Member
fan leaves dont have very much thc in them dont even bother with it, if ur guna make shit with leaves then u gota use the fine leaves that are covered with crystals, they are growing out of the bud nd shit but dont pick any leaves juss let it grow and u can use the leaves when u harvest


Well-Known Member
have you even made marijuana tea??? i just made it about 4 hour ago .. an hour after drinking you are gone.. so it really doesnt matter what leaves you use.. try to make it first then tell me


Active Member
hmm i cut leaves of my very young plant today , but they were all deformed and the ends crispy from miracle grow burns , hmm this plant is a strange one i tell you , but now im worried that i mite of sealed my plants fate by cutting those crap leaves of


Active Member
Tea from fresh leaves? Never had it. How does it taste? how much leaves do you use?

I used to cut the fan leaves, but it stunted the growth of my plants, so I just leave the plants alone, except feeding. Not much pruning. I do bending, which is less stressful, but easy to break branches if you are not familiar with it.


Well-Known Member
stem tea is much more potent and better, dont waste time cutting leaves off the plant needs leaves to grow and gather sun. By the way ur plant looks very healthy.