Compromise: Decriminalization


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I would compromise with the U.S. government for decriminalizing certain aspects of marijuana such as:
1. Marijuana cultivation with an EXTREMELY easy to acquire license required (like going in to pick up a fishing license) for personal use AND for selling to...
2. Marijuana stores. We already have tobacco stores selling us 500 deadly varieties of nicotine (which I consume wholeheartedly), so this is kind of a no-brainer.
3. Possession of marijuana up to ? (perhaps 10 kg?). This would allow enough growing to go around, and allow the DEA to do their fucking job and target the dangerous cartels that would...kill(?!) over weed. I've met a few types who are in it to stomp on anyone else just to get into a HUGE market with more competition than you could shake a stick at.
4. This is probably going to be a bit controversial, but how about I.D. required at the stores of 14+? I hate to say it, but marijuana CAN be abused, and I know from personal experience from early teen years that street ganja is a gamble: you can get a nice heady buzz, where you actually pay deep, close attention in class...and body stoned that you might as well bring a pillow to school.
5. This is sort of an extension of #1: No one under...16-18 can purchase it before school hours unless they can present a (again easily acquired) doctor's recommendation. If this sort of thing happens, I reckon brainwashed doctors will actually start to look at ganja as a verified source of ADHD balance, anxiety soothers, etc.

Penny for your thoughts?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
it'l never happen cause if one country does it then everyone else will have to follow. thats why in holland its still illegal but tolerated.


Well-Known Member
you want 14 year olds to be able to buy weed?

10kg limit!?
Honestly, no I don't want them to. But how much of a hypocrite would I be if I said they shouldn't, knowing full well I did at that age. From a legal standpoint, I do think a 16 or 17 age restriction would be more prudent.

Haha and the 10kg limit was more for the growers than everyone else.

I almost forgot, I do still think there should be a strict penalty for operating machinery or driving a car after consuming our beloved cannabis. It's nowhere near as impairing as alcohol, but I'll admit I'm not to the best of my driving abilities after blazing ganja.


Well-Known Member
Whenever i walk through my little town/village of a weekend a group of about 40-50 kids hanging in the town centre aged between 12-18yrs or so are always smoking pot and drinking.
The police often pull up and chat to them,i know they are caned and so do the old bill,the old bill don't care until they break something or beat each other up.

Seems they pay 20 quid an eighth for it.
When i asked them if they had 20 quid a week pocket money they just all laughed.
Seems obvious they are stealing to buy it already and visiting,probably 7 times out of 10,seriously skanky people to buy it.

Now i know no one wants their kids to smoke anything at all while they are so young but some of these hashes and street swag bag weeds are serious shite and 8 out of 10 kids do whatever they like anyway as soon as the parents are out of the picture.

The last piece of soapbar that i ever saw was damn awful,lil bits of plastic in it and god knows what else,powdered glass,pig tranqs,who knows what.
This is what prohibition does.
Nearly all teenagers go out at the weekend and have a drink and or a smoke whether their parents or the police like it or not,they get an older teen to buy booz or use fake id and require NO id to buy weed from some skanky drug dealer.

Imagine if your kids were drinking unregulated and illegal moonshine from various sources from possibly the best moonshine maker to the worst.
You dont know whats in it any more than they do,at least if they had sneakily bought some weed from sainsburys or something parents wouldn't have to fear them poisoning themselves or breathing in adulterated hash smoke or glass beaded dmt riddled weed.

One of the main reasons for legalization imo is quality control,not to mention our god given free will and basic human rights:blsmoke:

chronic vegan

Active Member

Pretty good plan, but reality is, if marijuana is legalized with rules, one rule would be a legal age of 21 for use of marijuana. MY reason is that there is way too much research on brain development that shows a persons brain pathways development continues to about 21 years of age. After 21 the brain is fully developed. Why would the legal age to drink alcohol be 21???


New Member
Maybe if weed were decriminalized or legalized people would have to worry less about who's medicine cabinet their kids were getting into. For every drug that is made "illegal for recreational use" people just pick a new one and party on.

I would guess that way more people smoke weed than people who don't smoke weed. Maybe it should be part of the census, that is anonymous. Have a box to check, weed yes, no? I bet the results would be surprising.


Active Member
why not treat it like alcohol 21 and over.don't smoke and drive seems to make sense.sure there will be people who abuse it and they go to jail just like a dui.I don't drink and drive or smoke and drive.I used to work with a guy who did and he hit a car and killed the couple in the other car.He never drove again,and you could just see it eating away at him everyday.I would'nt want that on my conscience.If they do pass decriminalization people still need to use common sense,and not fuck it up for the rest of us.


New Member
I always smoke and drive, it makes me less likely to commit road rage. Since the government is hell bent on destroying the country and sending everyone who isn't rich to the taxed to death poor house, maybe they should throw us a bone and let us have the weed. I would be a lot less pissed off about the state of the country if I didn't have to worry so much about the pigs.


Well-Known Member
I like most of this plan. You go down to your local Mao-Mart and buy a "get out of jail free card". Its like "Yes I know I'm gonna be smokin' this year" pay your fine and move on with your life without risking jail, asset seizure and whatnot. "The legal age should be 21 just like alcohol. With possesion up to say 50 plants or approximatly 10 lbs.
Then Sell a dealers licence just like alcohol and allow the dealer to purchase Pot for resell to anyone who can provide a valid ID and his pot licence. Let the dealer set prices and let the government tax it. everyone wins. Except big companys and the government who should be locked out of the market. Then it would put pot production in the hands of people like you guys little growers who love what they do and want to share it.

Don't even change the laws just require a licence and just like for hunting they have a hunters safty course, require a cannibus safty course. The course should cover all the legal does and don'ts.

Simple and elegant I think probably never go for it though.