Common Abbreviations


Active Member
This post is completly jacked from the "fun-guy(gi)" on shroomtalk,i did nothin but copy paste, but i thought it might be helpful to some on this site as well considering the amount of shroom lingo you will come across. Enjoy

---common mycological abvs---
50/50 - 50% vermiculite/50% peat moss
50/50+ - 50/50 with gypsum, lime, or oyster shell added to buffer the pH
AQ- aqueous (water based)
BE- Biological Efficiency
BRF- Brown Rice Flour
BT- Bacillus thuringiensis, (i.e. Gnatrol) kills fungus gnats and other pests
contam = contamination
D&R- Dunk & Roll
DDI- Double distilled De-Ionized water
DE- Diatomaceous Earth
DEC- Double Ended Casing
dH2O- distilled H2O (water)
DI- De-Ionized water
DNR- Dunk N' Roll
DT- Double Tub
FAE- Fresh Air Exchange
FC- Fruiting Chamber
FH- Flow Hood
FOAF- Friend Of A Friend
FSR- Free Spore Ring
G2G- Grain to Grain [transfer]
GB- Glove Box
H2O2- Hydrogen Peroxide (3% is the standard available concentration)
HEPA- High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor
Hpoo- Horse Dung
INC- Incubator
INNOC- Innoculate
K.I.S.S.- Keep It Simple Stupid
LECA- Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate
LC Liquid Culture
MS- Multi-Spore
MSI- Multi-Spore Inoculation
MT- Mono Tub
MYC- Mycelium
MYG- Mega You Grow
MYC PISS- mycelium piss, the metabolic byproducts of mycelial respiration
NOC- inoculate
NOCK- inoculate
PC- Pressure Cooker
PDA- Potato Dextrose Agar
PF- Psilocybe Fanaticus
POO- Poop/Manure
RH- Realitive Humidity
SUB- Substrate
TEK- TEK: T.E.K. stands for Traditional Ecological Knowledge Sort of like a technique, more like a commonly accepted practice. Often prefaced with something to tell you what type of Tek; e.g. PF-Tek, for Psilocybe Fanaticus T.E.K., one of the original home growing Teks on which many others are based
TiT- Tub In Tub(Tote In Tote)
Verm- Vermiculite
WBS- Wild Bird seed


A = A Strain
AC = Acadian Coast
AF = South African (Note: SA is South American)
SAF = South African (Note: SA is South American)
SAT = South African (Note: SA is South American)
AMZ = Amazonian (usually PES)
AZ = Amazonian (usually PES)
AMA = Amazonian (usually PES)
AM = Amazonian (usually PES)
AR = = Argentina
AG = Argentina
AL = Allen Strain (T)
AU = Australian
B = B Plus
BHT = Ban Hua Thanon AKA PB = Pink Buffalo (T)
BLN = Ban Lipa Noi (T)
BN = Ban Nathon (T)
BS = Ban Saket (T)
BP = Bo Phut (T)
BR = Brazillian
BZ = Brazillian
BRAZ = Brazillian
BU = Burma
CA = Cambodian
CAM = Cambodian
CM = Cambodian
CO = Columbian
CR = Creeper
EG = Elephant Gate (T)
EQ = Ecuador
F = Florida Plus
FL = Florida
GC = Gulf Coast
GT = Golden Teacher
HU = Huatla
HW = Hawaiian (usually PES)
KS = Koh Samui (T)
KSSS = Koh Samui Super Strain (T)
LY = Lipa Yai
M3 = Mexican #3
MAL = Malabar
MB = Malabar
MAZ = Mazatapec
MZ = Mazatapec
MC = Mexi-Cub
MEXA = Mexican A (sclerotia)
MP = Mexican Paleneque
MR = Matias Romero
OI = Orissa India
PAN = Panama
PB = Pink Buffalo
PE = Penis Envy
PE6 = Penis Envy 6
PF = Psylocybe Fanticus' Matias Romero
PFC = Psylocybe Fanticus' Matias Romero
MR = Psylocybe Fanticus' Matias Romero
PI = Phucket Island (T)
PM = Plantasia Mystery
PR = Peurto Rican
SA = South American (Note: Don't confuse with South African)
TAP = Tapalpa
TP = Tapalpa
TAZ = Tasmanian
TC = Treasure Coast
TX = Texan
VI = Virgin Islander

Species abbreviations
AZURES = Psilocybe azurescens
COPES = Copelandia cyanescens
CUBES = Psilocybe cubensis
CYANS = Psilocybe cyanescens (a woodlover, often confused with pans)
LIBS = Liberty Caps, Psilocybe semilanceata
PANS = Panaeolus cyanescens (a dung lover, often confused with cyans)
SUBBS = Panaeolus subbalteatus (often confused with subs)
SUBS = Psilocybe subaeruginosa (often confused with subbs)