C'mon people lets give it a try! they cant get us all


Active Member

i think this may have been tried before but i think we should give it another try.

petitions get us nowhere really, dont they?

so why not have a protest in every city on the same day? like people from london protest, aberdeen protest, glasgow edinburgh manchester ect?

the police cant arrest everyone? remeber theres strength in numbers. the police cant be everywhere at once either can they?

think about it.

people will have to atleast hear our voices and our opinions.

legalization will mine crime rates will go down, people wont be able to fund weapons and trafficing here in the uk. all this will be a thing of the past.

im sure if the government had some sense they could benefit too, say they could offer a 'grow permit' like a fishing permit say at 100 quid a year?

i know id pay, would yous?

medicinal use also should be allowed and recognised. MS for example.

i know people will look down on me on this site and say ' just another legalization guy' , i know it seems this way but we could actually do something.

a protest in every main city will be noticed, i mean how could they miss us?
plus a press tip[ off will cause some uproar.

so if you want to help out , just say.

afterall we do have a right to freedom of speech:)

the daz