Cloning... Do I have to take clones 4 nodes down?

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
Do i have to take clones from 3- 4 nodes from the top? Is it possible to make a clone with just a fan leaf with a long stem cut at a 45 degree angle?

Some one please help me out.


Well-Known Member
Sure man.

Heres the deal, I have taken clones 3 or 4 nodes down before. the clone is stronger and roots faster. You do this when you are going directly into soil or areoponics.

Now when it comes to rockwool or rapid rooter cubes its different. (toss the jiffy) they are not that large. What I do is take the clone from the lower branch, 2 nodes down will work. You really only need one. If you keep them at about 70° and cover them with a dome, spray the dome for humidity, not the cutting. for like a week or so they will root.

The larger clones do not require a dome but the dam things will fall over in a one inch rockwool cube.

Now the fan leaf on a stem thing I dint think will work. You need that grow tip unless you go tissue culture. then you only need a piece of a fan leaf or a stem. for real man. goggle it.



Well-Known Member
hey man, i just took a bunch of clones of some cherry pez seeds i started and some of the clones are nothing but 1.5" of stem and a fan leaf. no growth shoots at all. so far 2/4 of the fanleave clones have rooted.

now, it seems like it will take a bit longer for it to develope new growth shoots

but, it does work.