Chemical nukes to organic tea.



  • 31 Days from germination to now, but started noticing nukes burn on my leaves (SH*T), now I want to change from non organic to maybe bat guano there a how to. from an experienced colleague ..? pls pls pls/​



Well-Known Member
Nothing like a big bong rip of radioactive weed!...Jesus H. Christ!

and yes simply switch over to organic amendments once you clear the radiation from your grow area, maybe 50 years from now.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member

  • 31 Days from germination to now, but started noticing nukes burn on my leaves (SH*T), now I want to change from non organic to maybe bat guano there a how to. from an experienced colleague ..? pls pls pls/​

Short of transplanting the gals into an organically amended soil once you are ready to flip them, you'd just be better off backing off on the nuke concentrations. Don't know what you're feeding or how much but obviously it's too hot for them. When asking stuff like this, pics and nutrient schedules help us out immensely.
Although bat guano is considered a "quick release" or fast acting in organics, it's not like a quick shot of SuperBloom. Adding organic nukes to a soil where chemical ferts have already decimated the micro-biology of the soil will do you no good (In MY opinion). Organic nukes are not in a form that a plant can use until they are further broken down by the very microbes and fungi that were in the soil prior to adding the chemical salt ferts.
Growing with chem ferts and growing organically are 2 entirely different disciplines and mind sets, you cannot equate the two except in the most basic terms.
Read what Cooter recommended, and then some. Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Rodale institute are outstanding sources of info as well. If you have something like Google Drive or some other cloud based file sharing, PM me and I can get a host of reading material in your hands.
Using chemical nukes can be done with excellent results, even with Miracl-Gro. The problem with beginners using them is that almost EVERY time even using the recommended dosage is gonna cause "nuke burn". We will over feed, over water, over-engineer our grows, and end up loving our plants to death.

Good luck, keep trying, and remember there is no shame in a failed crop at the beginning. The shame is in not learning from the set backs. It's how we all got where we are now. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
I converted my garden from chemical ferts to organic compost teas mid-grow. The plants didn't seem to mind at all. I actually burned the plants more with my compost tea in the beginning (too much seabird guano) than I ever did with CNS 17 so be careful. Fine a good tea recipe and run with it. Good luck.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the guanos can be pretty hot, especially in AACT. A lot like chicken manure, best used well composted or aged. Good to hear that you can change mid stream like that. I would have bet otherwise, or at least advised against it. Of course I was thinking amended soil rather than teas. Teas would add the beneficials as well as serve as a great nute regimen.
That's one of he reasons I use Bunny Poo. It has the highest NPK of all manures, and can be used full strength straight out of the bunny. An AACT made from bunny poo, EWC and alfalfa is the BOMB!!! I like the guanos, and keep some around for use in emergency situations, but for the most part, I will not use Guanos unless necessary and only then with a mask. Guanos can be dangerous, carrying some particularly nasty fungal diseases infectious to both pets and us. Great to use, but need to be handled safely. Not all that common, but not at all rare either.


Short of transplanting the gals into an organically amended soil once you are ready to flip them, you'd just be better off backing off on the nuke concentrations. Don't know what you're feeding or how much but obviously it's too hot for them. When asking stuff like this, pics and nutrient schedules help us out immensely.
Although bat guano is considered a "quick release" or fast acting in organics, it's not like a quick shot of SuperBloom. Adding organic nukes to a soil where chemical ferts have already decimated the micro-biology of the soil will do you no good (In MY opinion). Organic nukes are not in a form that a plant can use until they are further broken down by the very microbes and fungi that were in the soil prior to adding the chemical salt ferts.
Growing with chem ferts and growing organically are 2 entirely different disciplines and mind sets, you cannot equate the two except in the most basic terms.
Read what Cooter recommended, and then some. Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Rodale institute are outstanding sources of info as well. If you have something like Google Drive or some other cloud based file sharing, PM me and I can get a host of reading material in your hands.
Using chemical nukes can be done with excellent results, even with Miracl-Gro. The problem with beginners using them is that almost EVERY time even using the recommended dosage is gonna cause "nuke burn". We will over feed, over water, over-engineer our grows, and end up loving our plants to death.

Good luck, keep trying, and remember there is no shame in a failed crop at the beginning. The shame is in not learning from the set backs. It's how we all got where we are now. :leaf:

Thanks for the reply .....i'll be pm'ng you my info for those info sources