check these out!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i saw these at my local b&q garden center,

there actually japanese acers but fooled me for a couple of seconds lol,

they had em in a few different colours, i ended up buying 3, a green and purple a green and pink and a plain green, grow to around 5feet,



Active Member
My brother's gf has a couple of those in her front garden. Hers even smell like weed.

I'd use those to help hide a pot plant in a flower garden.


Well-Known Member
some idiot wont look twice and dig them up thinking they hit the mother load. or some daft suit will arrive at door with his goons take said trees then come back 4 weeks later on his knees saying sorry for killing three jap ornimental trees rofl.

but yeah they are a beautiful tree be nice too bonsi one