Check out this little guy...


iv'e heard that grasshoppers are good to have around since they apparently eat mites and stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
There bastards.
I have tons of them.
My chickens like them as treats.
I find lil 1inch green babies, all the way to 4inch brown monsters.
If i see them in the garden they die one way or another.



You really don't want hoppers in your garden. They are in the same family as locusts and will destroy your crops if given the chance. If you cant employ the use of chickens, I would highly recommend Neem Oil. This stuff is 100% organic and works wonders. You can spray it on the foliage or water it into the soil with your next water//feeding. Lots of pages are dedicated to Neem oil on these forums and can explain the further benefits and more of the science (if youre interested) behind this wonderful oil.
interestingly enough grasshoppers actually turn into locusts when the conditions are right, and they go from being relatively solitary insects to swarming monsters.