Carbon Filters


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if there is a problem with pumping a 80 to 250 CFM fan into a carbon filter or on such as Ryoko's Carbon Filter into the grow room rather than a place such as outside is a problem?

I am worried about heat and smell signatures, so would it hurt my plant to just have the carbon filter running in there? Or could I just have it running into the larger part of the room since it's a closet grow?


Active Member
Hi TheSky,

I might be able to help you with that one. Although I have only had about 6 posts so don't take my advise into great depth lol

If you have the Carbon Filter in your grow room it will produce heaps of heat. I have had to have the ducting sucking into a 150mm centrifugal fan, 280 Ltr then another ducking thats long enough to go to another room attached to the filter. Which is a pain as well because I have to leave the door open and centrifugal fan is loud plus looks like crap.

Cut a hole in the roof if you can dude! and have the Phat filter in the roof I wish I could.


New Member
I've seen large grow rooms that had carbon filters both inside the grow room and outside as well.

I have a cabinet grow and have have a FanTec fan pulling air through my light-hood and exhausting it out the ceiling, then into, and through, a carbon filter which sits on the roof of my cabinet. There is NO smell at all from my grow. In the past, I grew a strain (El Peru) that, during bloom, I could smell way out on my driveway as I walked up toward the house. My next door neighbor started asking me if we should call animal control to hunt down the skunks in the neighborhood. That finally convinced me to buy a good fan and carbon filter. ~lol~



Well-Known Member
See, the problem is, I'm in an apartment and have no place to vent it other than a window, and thats a huge heat signature.


Active Member
Just a suggestion,

you could get a centrifugal fan and have it so it's on top of the cupboard with some ducting sucking the air just below the light. while the other end has a 3 metre or so ducting that connects to the filter near the window. at the very bottom of the cupboard drill a 120mm hole and have a high powered PC fan blowing cold air from the floor into the cupboard.

Just a suggestion thats all


Active Member
I'd just vent it into open space, like your bedroom or something. Depends on your setup, but it's fine to vent it into unused space of any type.