Calling All Carbon Scrubber Users


Well-Known Member
My buddy recently threw together a new room its 16X10 and he like me knows nothing about carbon scrubbers. so i told him i would handle it for him. Anyone know any good websites for them and what size or how many i would need for my room?

Thanks guys :blsmoke:


Active Member
Just buy an inline 6" fan off ebay and build your own filter or buy that off ebay also just type in carbon filter. DO NOT BUY THE FILTERS WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR FAN BUILT IN FILTER. Fire hazard..... Get filter that will fit the fan.


Well-Known Member
Ideally you'd exhaust a grow room about 3 times every minute. In order to determine the fan and carbon filter required, you figure the area of the room - in your case that 12 x 8 x 8 (I made up the last one - if your ceiling is higher/lower adjust accordingly.

so 12 x 8 x 8 = 768 cubic feet - so under ideal conditions, your exhaust fan would have a CFM (Cubic Feet/Minute) rating of around 2300 (Three times the cubic feet or 768 x 3 = 2304). Looks like your gonna need at least a 12" centrifugal exhaust fan (don't forget some intake holes/vents).

You'll need a carbon filter that matches the cubic feet (2300) of your area also

something like this (example only - not endorsing this brand or store):
MountainAir Carbon Filter - 14" x 56" | Air Cleaners/Odor Control


Well-Known Member
Not only do you need the correct carbon scrubber, but you'll need the right fan for it. GL! use your math, you already know what the room size is, get the correct cfm fan. GL!