Cable pipe


So, this won't be convenient to everyone, but a cable/satellite guy such as myself has found this to be simple and disposable as I could make about 5000 of them with whats in my truck...

First just take a piece of RG6 cable and cut just the outer jacket with a razor blade...

Then run a lighter under it for a few seconds to loosen it up and slide the jacket off.

Then take an RG6 fitting and pop the back cap off... (an RG59 fitting will give you a smaller hole, but the cable fits tighter on an RG6)

Then just take the piece of jacket and slide it into the back of the fitting.

Like I said, this wouldn't be practical for everyone, but me and my cable buddies have been doing it for a long time and so I just thought I would contribute something.

Sorry if this has already been posted, also.

Have a good night!


Well-Known Member
Wow that is cool way to use your resources! The only thing i can think of is the heat when combined with the plastic/rubber cable could release some harmful fumes. But otherwise its simple, smart, and legit looking.


Wow that is cool way to use your resources! The only thing i can think of is the heat when combined with the plastic/rubber cable could release some harmful fumes. But otherwise its simple, smart, and legit looking.
Yeah I thought that too the first time we used one, but really its like a 2 hitter... so it never gets very hot and we have never noticed any weird fumes.

Of course if you have a glass pipe on you that's gonna be better, but like you said, in a cable van, you can pull these 2 pieces apart and throw em back with the rest of ur stuff, and it would never be noticed :clap: