

Active Member
I made a nice batch of butter last night, but whats the best application? This is the first time I've made it. i was thinking peanut butter cookies?

also I made this last night too :P



Active Member
recipes with the least ingredients besides butter are the best imo. I made butter cookies and they were easy to eat and 2 cookies had you floating around the house. I made cinnamon roll oatmeal cookies and while they tasted really good you had to eat 4 and it was a pain in the butt because they are so thick. Brownies are only good if you make them from scratch. I made waffles once and they were bomb. Plus any extra butter you just plop on top and munch munch munch. Oh and butter pecan syrup is the shit for waffles. Check it out.
use desired amount of cannabutter
1/2cup sugar
1/2cup brown sugar
1/2cup peanut butter
1tsp vinilla
1tspbaking powder
1tspbaking soda
1,1/4 cups flour
1cup chocolate chips

combine melted butter sugar egg peanut butter and vinnilla. in a seperate bowl combine flour, baking powder/soda.
mix in the flour
mix in the chocolate chips
bake for 15min on 350

best fucking canna cookies youll ever eat