But ... But ... Shouldn't Everyone Have The Right To a Sony Playstation-3?


Well-Known Member
allmeatnopotato says

"ok, I take it you have never studied economics at all. lets sit here and think about it."

Allmeat how can you make an accusation without all the knowledge??

as i have clearly stated you are filled with dribble,,,or bullshit

You want to dish it out but cant take it,,,

think about what you say,,,give it a try



Well-Known Member
med, I have always considered you an ally of sorts. But like all people in this world; although sometimes, we may not have the same ideas. I wouldn't kick you or anyone here out of my house. Well, maybe if you were hitting on my wife I would. But you could come back the next day. lol!


Well-Known Member
hello allmeat

just curious,,,,Sony has lost 160 billion in market cap over the last 6 years,,,

The stock has been under distribution each time it tops from short term bottoms

It no longer is considered a growth stock,,,management does not work towards improving stock valuations

The dividend if correct is,,,one half of a percent,,is that correct

when did you buy the stock and for what price per share,,,,

i am no stock guru,,,i am not an investor like you,,,i trade like a gambler

but i have found most that call themselves investors,,are nothing more than gamblers anyhow

take care,,,



Well-Known Member
I am not an investor. i try to plan for the future, as I am sure you do also. anything you put on the NYSE is a gamble so I agree with you. funny you say that. never looked at myself as a gambler, but i guess I am one of some sort. i bought the stock for $0 USD. family members that have wealth like to share it when you hit life milestones. My uncle is an investor for them and game me 150 shares. I know but before you say anything about it, i was not spoon fed. I was raised on hotdogs and mac&cheese the same as most.
sony is an interesting company. it dies and all but falls off the map when blam they bring out the next big thing. right now they are banking on their new HD-DVD player (yes Vi it is the one in the ps3 hense the huge price). I like the market because I can see what my money is doing. banks use your money for whatever they deem necessary. I am a little worried about the ps3. sony is projecting they will not break even from this project for another 5 years. just in time to bring out another system probably.


Well-Known Member

Hey my mother used to fry us spam with brown sugar and butter with mac and cheese,,,with some broccoli

funny,,, now and then i will make it,,,strange type of comfort memorys

thats cool about the stock gift,,,

yes the game price is high,,,the free monthly service may offer some incentive to Xboxs 50 a month

but the extra costs

nintendo has 1.2 million headed for the market

competion will be challanging

take care



New Member
I'm still muddling along with the PS2 that was all the rage 2 years ago and wasn't that much more sophisticated than the PS1. In fact I think they made it cheaper for more money, it was definently smaller and more fragile! If they've done that with this, if I were you, I'd sell my stock!