Bubbly water = Co2


Well-Known Member
Ok so I was watching I grow Cannabis. (it can be found on youtube) And when it comes to Co2 he uses a tank but also he has bubbly water that he sprays on the plants leaves. Is bubbily water like club soda?


Well-Known Member
Yes carbonated water. Watch out though. I would mist right before lights out. You can burn your plant from water magnified on leaves.


CFL Cabinet Grower
Does this actually make enough of a difference to consider? Or is it part of the big picture done with several other things to increase yield. :peace:


Active Member
Adding Co2 to your room is a great way to get your ladies a little fatter before taking them down. But know what you are doing. The size of your room and how many plants you have makes a big difference when it comes to how much Co2 you let in your room. If you are unsure i would suggest going to http://www.hydroponics.net/learn/co2_calculator.asp and use there calculator to find out. Also remember if you have a well ventilated grow room you might not need Co2 at all. Co2 was first used in rooms that had real poor ventilation. And it was a way to help plants get by in rooms that had a high temp. Most people do not realize that you can actually do your room harm by adding to much Co2. Another good way to get Co2 to the plants is to use real cold water. When watering your plants, the colder the water the more Co2 the water has. And your plants roots are the ones that suck up all the Oxygen for the plant