bone meal

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hey guys was just wondering if anyone uses bone meal as a top dressing for flowering plants. I heard of people using it, but ive also heard phosphorus does not pass through soil well, and the bone meal needs to be at the roots. Does anyone use it as a top dressing? Can you tell me about your experiences using it as a top dressing? Thanks

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
I've mixed blood meal, along with other nutrients in my organic mix, but I haven't used it as a top dressing. I can tell you that the micro-organisms in the soil are important in breaking down the blood meal, allowing your plant to access the nutrients. Water with rain water, or collect water from a small, clean, stream. Five gallon buckets at a time get you a lot of water. It's important not to use tap water or any chlorinated water, as you'll be destroying your "herd" every watering.

I've read of it being done, but don't know the validity of it.

Here's a GREAT link Subcool posted in his organic sub forum.

Blood Meal NPK: 4-12-0


Well-Known Member
A47, the OP is asking about bone meal, not blood.

IDK about bone as a top dressing as it breaks down very slowly. I mix it IN the soil and it still takes a while to break down.

You might be better off with a high P guano or something that is available more readily than bone.



Well-Known Member
the bone meal will atract a lot of bugs and takes around 4 weeks to break down i agree with the above go with the bat gauno is way more suited for what you are talking about. hope this helps