Bog Water, will it sort high ph?


Active Member
Hi.. my plants about 7wks old. recently the very bottom two leaves went yellow with brown spots then burnt and fell off. the middle section of the plant has also been afected with the same thing and its spreading to the top of the plant. i bought a soil ph tester.

i always get around 7.5 - 8ph!! so ive added a small amount of garden lime to the soil and i gave it a good watering. i dont have anyway to check the ph of the water itself, cant find any testers locally. so im thinking maybe if i add a few litres of bog water (no, not toilet water!) it may help. bog water is pretty acidic so maybe it would help things along!

also, the tips of the top leaves are going brown, and light yellow along the sides of em. the middle section leaves look clenched slightly.

i have used some miracle grow plant food. not very much of it at all. two feeds in all. any suggestions? flush the whole thing maybe? first time grow btw. 2 '5ft fluro's and two '2ft fluro's for now. ordering mh/hps system at the weekend so im ok in that department. any help much appreciated. thanks

ps. i'll have fotos up v.soon, cnt find the camera lead that conects the camera t the pc!! typical :roll:


Well-Known Member
I may be completely wrong here, but lime is a calcareous substance, which means that it will not only boost pH UP, but will buffer so as to not allow the pH to be easily moved. The other issues I can't help you with.

Bog water should be a rather low pH, and I would expect it to be well-buffered to resist any upward movement in pH.


Active Member
hey, your actually right enuf. the garden lime pack says it neutralise's the ph. dont have all that much in it so it shoudnt be all that hard to remove if necesary!. you recomend flushing with bog water? :-?


Active Member
oh yeh! any1 think repotting the plant in new soil would be viable? its about 9' inches tall. would i be able to say seperate the roots from the soil by over watering? then replant in peat or sumit beter than what i av? although it is very gud clay :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I would try not to mess with things too much. With fish messing with the pH kills them damn quick, so I'm thinking that putting that strain on root systems can also bring about harm.

You could just flush it with the bog water, get an aquarium test kit online, they're still pretty inexpensive I think, and test the water. Can you just dig out the soil that's got all the lime in it?

I wouldn't further stress the plant by repotting or trying to remove the soil from around the roots. See, you can get it out of there nicely enough, yeah? But then what about doing the reverse and getting them replanted? They can end up bunched or knotted or broken, could kill the plant.

Or! You could just give it a couple of days or so and watch the plant, see how it's doing, then go from there.


Active Member
hey again!! well thanks for the advice first off. il take it and use it. btw, the plant now looks really healthy (apart from a few discoloured leaves) most of the leaves are nice'n perky this morning, they havent been for about a week now! il av the pics today sum time.

ps. what about pruning? the leaves with slight browning at tips


Well-Known Member
Right now I'd leave it be. Don't worry about flushing, don't worry about muckin' around with the pH, don't worry about pruning. Just let the plant show you how it's feeling, yeah? When it's doing well enough and doesn't look stressed, then you may be able to prune.

Where are those piccies?! :)


Active Member
thanks for the advice Seamaiden. heh, there's three digital camera's at my house.. but not one of their link cables can b found. was away all day today,but a freind has a cam wit d cable so tomorow for sure. besides i really want ta show off the plant. avnt got a clue what strain it is (bagseed) but i do have a baby northern lights too. ill post pics of em both. thanks again for the advice ps. about to order this any minute. Hydroponics Shop - Indoor gardening hydroponic systems and equipment. overkill for maybe four (future) plants?


Active Member
I know nothing about hydroP's, gawd. Glad it's looking up. :)

me either lol, im after buying this light kit:

Easy Kit 400W HPS + Sonlight AGRO 400W !

sounds gud neways and for €113 not so bad.. i think. that link brings u straight to the product info page. jus after taken my plants out of the dark and they'r looking happy, the problem plant's leaves are all straight out and it looks to have grown too. the northern lights definately has.

av to say, i never thought watching plants grow would be so interesting :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Helluva a lot more fun than watching paint dry, at least. Eh?

I am jealous, your Euros buy more than my dollars, which are few and far between. :-P