"Blood in the Water - The Story of Donald Trump's first 100 days."


Well-Known Member
That poor bastard doesn't know that the so-called "swamp" is draining him. Hmm, weakened and without friends as an illegitimate President who also lost the popular vote. Let's take a look at those impeachment odds again.


Lol, the odds of Trump not finishing his first term are now 4/5. So if you bet $5, you win $4 when he is taken away in handcuffs.


Well-Known Member
He'll resign. Everyone knows Melania is never leaving NY.

Hopefully the continued 'out of his league' combined with his paranoia, delusions and threat of jail..he'll be gone shortly.

He's very quickly hating his new life and missing the old plus he did what he sought out to do: become President. It's just that everyone worked against him and turn that into Trump TV for the never ending rally into Rush/Jerry Springer/Howard Stern/infomercial type shows and make a fortune off those losers.

There was a member here who gave a lot of cash to Trump campaign and said because he donated so much, there was a dinner as thank you to 'gold members'?

I wonder if it ever happened? I have a feeling that person is no longer here.
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Well-Known Member
He'll resign. Everyone knows Melania is never leaving NY.

Hopefully the continued 'out of his league' combined with his paranoia, delusions and threat of jail..he'll be gone shortly.

He's very quickly hating his new life and missing the old plus he did what he sought out to do: become President. It's just that everyone worked against him and turn that into Trump TV for the never ending rally into Rush/Jerry Springer/Howard Stern/infomercial type shows and make a fortune off those losers.

There was a member here who gave a lot of cash to Trump campaign and said because he donated so much, there was a dinner as thank you to 'gold members'?

I wonder if it ever happened? I have a feeling that person is no longer here.
He'll 'Sarah Palin' the fuck out, watch and see.

He can't govern his own dick, ffs.

More money to be made (stolen) elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Make America international pariah again # nuke north korea
Like anybody would care. Even the Chinese are sick of him.

Hey Zeddd, they won't let us bet on this shit here but can you put 100 English Pounds on Kevin Spacey for President 2020 for me?