Black shit on my razor


Well-Known Member
So I've been cutting many a clone lately and have noticed that over time my razor develops some black or very dark blue pigment around the blade. Is this some sort of reaction between the chemistry of the razor and the plant matter or...?


Well-Known Member
Just wash that shit in a little bleach(5 parts waters 1 part bleach, or even less). Instantly sterile. Rinse with distilled water. Bam, sterile razor.


Well-Known Member
I had to use a left over razor from a previous cloning. No choice, I was out. It's not what I like to do, but it wouldn't have really effected me if I would have got a bad batch, although I didn't. I did get the black stuff on my razor as you did. I had no idea what it was, and really don't now. Just wanted to let ya know that all my clones where fine and I even used that razor a third time. I can't tell ya what it is, but I don't think it is harmful to your plants.

P.S. I did sterolize there razor! I wouldn't try to infect my ladies. lol.