!!BIG PROBLEM!! 4 weeks flowerin !!BIG PROBLEM!! ++++rep


Well-Known Member
your 4 weeks in to flowering...

you need to feed them girls plenty of nutes... I would go easy on each type of nutes you take.. starting from 4th week you should startk adding pk 13/14.. I dont know if that would help you, also try to repot in to some bat mix soil.

I would also add some high in nitrogen nutes, as this realy does perk up ya plants.

Im sure that isnt from nute burn, they look like there diying btw. prob a bit to hot outside maybe ?

not enough water at times...



New Member
Remove all the crap from the bottom, there is still fresh looking green about half way up, id be taking away about 12/15 inches of crap at the bottom, force new growth at top.


Well-Known Member
as ya can c i did remove some growth. i wil lollipop this lady den thanx for all ya input rep t ya all


Well-Known Member
your plant is suffering from some deficiency,
i use
it works really well its cheap and you can get it at homedepot

when your plant starts to come back make sure you prune off all the dying leaves this late in flower you want all your plants energy to go into bud production, your plant will grow new leafs so don't worry about it/ but do it gradually so you don't stress her too much


Active Member
i would remove junk from the bottom, foliar with some seaweed extract for micro nutrients and stress (foliar rhizotonic maybe, not root feed) and give them some half-strength nitrogen! the container also seems a bit small, but it's too late to transplant!


Well-Known Member
your 4 weeks in to flowering...

you need to feed them girls plenty of nutes... I would go easy on each type of nutes you take.. starting from 4th week you should startk adding pk 13/14.. I dont know if that would help you, also try to repot in to some bat mix soil.

I would also add some high in nitrogen nutes, as this realy does perk up ya plants.

Im sure that isnt from nute burn, they look like there diying btw. prob a bit to hot outside maybe ?

not enough water at times...

I'm with this guy right here. She is starving!! The most effective and rapid way to get her what she needs is to use both a veg food and a bloom food together in the same gallon of water. Use 1/2 dose of each and water. But if you just recently watered wait, like someone said above, till that soil gets good and dry then water/feed, the plant should eat that right up.

BTW......Do not use Superthrive during flower.

allen bud

Active Member
had a cheese plant sort of same prob. 3 weeks into flowering i did transplant so i could add p,k,n, and its doing great now at end of week 4,claws are done ,greened up and no yellow ,so trans plant at 3 weeks is posable! just for the info


Active Member
Leaves do die over time. If the plant has no use for them then she gets rid of them. What nutes are you using? That kind of info helps


Well-Known Member
They look real nice , I agree with thinning the lower growth some to enhance top growth ...just use water one week and then go back to nutes half strength the next then bump em with full nutes and epsom salts.