Better get your CO2 bottles filled now...


Well-Known Member
this brain washing has been going on forever. this morning as i sit with my kids watching cartoons before school, they turn on captain planet. this cartoon came on sometime in my teenage years so i never watched it till now. no wounder the younger generation is so screwed up. they watched a gay supper hero in tights trying to stop something that dose not exist.


Well-Known Member
LOL i guess you think they're gonna ban co2 fire extinguisers too? next they will be stopping the children from doing volcano experiments at school?

i heard that the chip that they are putting into all of you will include a breath counter not only that but it will measure how long or deep you breath. they're gonna use it to get bumper tax's at marathons nightclubs, gyms, and the stairs up to mcdonalds entrances.


New Member
Since taxes will be going up around the board ... ur not wrong ... even if ur unaware.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then :wink:


Active Member
lmao stop my ribs are hurting!!

they banned marijuana so they are gonna ban coke?? im sorry but you really should read those words out to yourself before you press that send button

Do you think anyone back then thought they would do it? Look at "Reefer Madness." All it takes is a bunch of ignorant trusting souls like yourself to believe whatever YOUR government is telling you, and it's gone. Name one time the government said something was bad for you and it wasn't taxed or outlawed. If they are NOT profiting from something, they call it "hazardous" and start taxing it's use. If it's illegal, they make money on the new "criminals" that get caught with it, AND the taxes it takes to fight the war against it.

If you could'd have noticed I never said soda would be outlawed, but the huge possibility exists that they WILL regulate it.


Active Member
I don't believe global warming in it's entirety is a hoax....just the idea that we are the cause...or even a major factor. But numbers and facts hurt the heads of trusting souls that watch and believe ANY media. And no....Faux News is no longer even in my channel list.

jeff f

New Member
man, conservatives are fucking dumb!!!!!
your lovely govt is trying to tax every form of energy and you call us dumb?

just in case you didnt realize it, energy is what you put in your car to go to work. it also keeps your kids from freezing to death in the winter. it also keeps you from melting in the summer. it also powers machines that put food on your table. it also powers machines like cat scans that detect tumors so you dont die.

all of these things are about to get real expensive if captain genius, the boy wonder, gets his way with cap and tax.

so, you dummies should be fine because you dont use energy to do anything other than grow pot.

hello, is anybody in here?


Active Member
Now I see that the environmentalist freaks got a bunch of churches to ring their bells 350 times in a day, symbolizing the maximum "safe" level of CO2 in the atmosphere (350 ppm). Safe for what? If their entire agenda is based on humans leaving the smallest "footprint" possible for the good of the ecosystem, then why do plants thrive in an environment with CO2 level around 1500ppm? These plants were here long before humans. The idea that our current level of 390 ppm is actually going to melt the polar ice caps entirely this year is beyond laughable. Some people will believe anything they're told I guess.

It's no secret why they asked churches to support them in their endeavor...easy targets...just another large group of people that believe in something that's not real.


New Member
The true environmental movement died out years ago. The science has left that building along with all the pure souls.

Ur in good company ?