attaching a carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Hi guys... ive had a lot of help on here so im hoping you can help me out again.

Ive basically got a closet growroom which im going to modify with venting as it hasnt been done yet and the plants are 4 weeks into veg with just an osciallating fan inside.

There will be a passive intake at the bottom of the growroom and i was gonna use a 60CFM rating computer fan at the top to expel the air giving me the 3 times per minute air change needed as per a previous article. What im worried about is when my girls start to smell (about 3 weeks into flowering right???) so im gonna need a carbon filter to stop this.

Someone posted a good link to a homemade one which i will also post here

I was thinking of doing this or maybe buying one and attaching it to the exhaust of my growroom.

Now what i want to know is... if i make the home made one like in the link should i just attach it directly to the outside of the growroom as per the pictures or should i be putting it through some ducting first?

Is it worth buying a genuine article one and if i buy a genuine one will it work with just the pc fan as the extracting device... ie will the fan be strong enough to suck out the necessary amount of air?

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Guy in the local hydro shop says that a pc fan wont be strong enough to pull through the air to a carbon filter - is this right?