Anyone Use an Ozone Generator for Smell?


Active Member
I would like to run an ozone generator in a cab (actually the generator would be inside of the exhaust ducting) instead of using a carbon filter to keep the noise minimal without having to build a whole silencing system for a carbon filter fan. Cab in question is about 5' wide, 4' tall and 2.5' deep.

I have been doing some research on the generators and some people say they work and others say they don't. So hopefully someone here can set me straight. Can I get away with running just an ozone generator or should the ozone generator be a supplement to the carbon filter?


Well-Known Member
I tried mounting in ductwork, but the air movement was too fast for it to eliminate all the odor.


Active Member
That's what I wanted to hear, awesome.

So can you recommend anything that I should be looking for in an ozone generator? Is there any maintenance associated with them? Also, where do you exhaust yours to? I have read that high levels of ozone are no good for people and pets. Mine would exhaust right into my basement which has windows but they're not great for ventilation or anything.


Well-Known Member
i would just get a carbon filter. cheaper and just as if not more effective. and ozones no good for plants as well as humans and pets.

itll be a better long term investment to get a carbon filter that will run for a year straight before needing replaced then be a 50-75 dollar replacement.

im not sure of the life expectancy on ozone generators though.


Well-Known Member
i have two living air ozone gens and the main one is close to 20yrs old, the other is at least 7yo. now these are expensive models but not near as expensive as all of the charcoal filters i would have trashed. and if you think it hurts the plants check my thread, cause i dont think i can get much better looking buds and production is way up there.


Well-Known Member
i never knew that i only read reviews and prices of ozone generators.

i dont doubt they work wonderfully but to me they seem like more of a hassle.

i havent heard of them running that long though (and still being effective)

whats the max cfm you can move past it while still destroying the smell?


Active Member
I thought ozone gens used a uv light or something to produce the ozone and that the lights needed to be replaced once in a while. But its hard to argue with 20 and 7 years of use, though I prob won't be buying as high of quality ozone gen as superstoner.


Well-Known Member
i have two living air ozone gens and the main one is close to 20yrs old, the other is at least 7yo. now these are expensive models but not near as expensive as all of the charcoal filters i would have trashed. and if you think it hurts the plants check my thread, cause i dont think i can get much better looking buds and production is way up there.
So, you have them mounted in room, or enclosed some how in exhaust?


Well-Known Member
one is in flower room and on a timer to run with my pumps, 80secs on, 8mins off. the unit uses glass plates with metal mesh on them to produce ozone,not a bulb. about once a month i clean the back filter and wash the plates, easy. i do not force air through them, they have their own fan and i do not exhaust from my room, completely sealed. the other unit is in garage for when i am in and out of rooms or just sitting there smoking and trimming.


Active Member
Hey superstoner, where can I find a link to your grow? I clicked through your profile with no luck...

I thought ozone by your plants was a no-no cause it would kill the smell... Guess I have more research to do.

Thanks for everyone's input!