anybody catch that show on discovery channel i think sunday night??


bud bootlegger
... i've got no clue as to what it was called, but it was this dude who went around to a bunch of say drug houses and video'ed them doing their thing..
when i turned it on, dude had a key of blow on a table, and measured out four zips and cooked it into five zips of rock.. was crazy to watch, and i've seen a lot in my couple of year long heroin addiction to say the least.. :)
the next scene he goes to the trap house and that dude was like, yo, this aint cool, bringing this cat in with you, but he chilled out and let the dude tape some of him breaking it down and bagging it and then people were coming in and buying it/ smoking it and shit..
so, this dude today on fb was all... i'm never going to watch discovery again for this show, what do they think that they are doing, i have kids, blah blah blah..
all i could think was i really don't think that cuz your kid saw someone cook some rock up on tv, they are going to run out and try it, and if you're that worried about it, why are you letting your kids watch that show to begin with, and shouldn't they be more closely monitoring their kids instead of what i can watch..