Any Raging Kush 2.0 programmers here?

So I pulled the trigger on one of these and finished out a grow with it. Used the preprogrammed sunrise/sunset routine and the grow came out well. First time with strain aside, this light may have increased bud density for me farther down the plant than when using my last QB light.

Anyway, I'm not seeing any old posts on this so if anyone has had some time to spend writing schedules for this light I could use some help. I have a tall stretcher coming up next and was looking to see if anyone's done some trial and error as to what may be a good program to bring stretch down a bit. I have a GGT which is already roughly 7 feet or so but this next time around I'm adding in some UVB on the tail end and I'd like to keep the last 3 feet or so for the UV unit.

I've mentioned this in the past to the guys at Scynce but I got more general info rather than experience it seemed.