Any have/had this problem?


Well-Known Member
So, I'm sure some of you have had this problem before. I always use air sealed glass jars to store my cannabis, but i have this one tall and

skinny one that i use. The problem i'm having is, after a while, over time i accumulate resin all on the bottom of the jar. Except my

damn hand is too big to reach the bottom. How does one go about this, anyone got any good tips for this?:joint:


Well-Known Member
If you can simple use a spoon or something similar to scrape it off then I would do an alcohol rinse. You still may need to scrape the resin to get it all off, however, it should dissolve over time on its own.
Then the most important part. Find a short fat jar to use now.


Well-Known Member
yea, was going to do that alcohol trick to extract it, but waiting for it to dry out.../cry.