Another Gop Debate


Active Member
I'm starting to think the purpose of all these debates is to insure any serious independent doesn't vote republican.

How much will a gallon of water cost on the moon?

Personally I think only republicans should be allowed on the moon so those on earth can gouge the crap out of them.

Hot sale on cold water, only $1,000,000.00 per gallon for the next fifteen minutes.

I think we should have a civil, civil war. Let republicans have their red states and the democrats their blue states and each side can rule the way they like but once you choose a side you have to live their for at least five years. This way republicans can be responsible for imposing their morals on each other and only themselves and they can either sink or swim by themselves. No social security, no food stamps, no unemployment, no medicare and the dreaded public education system can finally be put to rest too. It should be peaches and cream for all involved.
Chief I'm pretty sure they have hydrogen and oxygen on the moon. Submarines even make their own water...