America in Distress


King Tut
So, no disrespect meant at all, but I truly do believe that America is in distress. Not only financially, but morally as well. This is my grandfather's flag @ Smith Mountain cemetary. He was a veteran and I truly believe he would agree with me now.


New Member
Of course we are. Only the blind could not see that. The only thing that keeps the rest of the world at bay is our military might, it certainly isn't our financial might, and our military might is bringing our financial might down as we speak. We as a country have lost our manufacturing base, me don't make things others want to buy, except military stuff. With the technological expansion throughout the world, cheap labor, cheap taxes and a few other perks in foriegn lands, our country will not be needed for much longer, then we will really see 3rd world status. How can anyone afford to buy a house on 3 bucks an hr., a new car, etc. On my SS check and my pension, I could live like a king in Mexico, but mexico has a drug war going on in the streets, kidnappings every minute of every day. I won't even go there on vacation. A cab driver in Guadalahara told me he raised a family of 6 on less than half of what I make, he said I could buy a small ranch and live verry well on what I've saved and made, too bad, I go in a heartbeat if the country was peaceful.


Well-Known Member
Of course we are. Only the blind could not see that. The only thing that keeps the rest of the world at bay is our military might, it certainly isn't our financial might, and our military might is bringing our financial might down as we speak. We as a country have lost our manufacturing base, me don't make things others want to buy, except military stuff. With the technological expansion throughout the world, cheap labor, cheap taxes and a few other perks in foriegn lands, our country will not be needed for much longer, then we will really see 3rd world status. How can anyone afford to buy a house on 3 bucks an hr., a new car, etc. On my SS check and my pension, I could live like a king in Mexico, but mexico has a drug war going on in the streets, kidnappings every minute of every day. I won't even go there on vacation. A cab driver in Guadalahara told me he raised a family of 6 on less than half of what I make, he said I could buy a small ranch and live verry well on what I've saved and made, too bad, I go in a heartbeat if the country was peaceful.

and if you grew dank there and exported it to here i would buy that mexican weed lol... i fully agree with you both though this country is going down the toilet


Active Member

ok yes, but, ok..... see...... well its complex.

ok this is broad so were gonna need to take a step back and look at the big picture.

first we need to picture a mystical secret ruling power of the world, all that highly debatable conspiracy claptrap, 13 families, planet x, lizard people, un takovers, chem trails, and the lot. now keep in mind these things are probly mostly true if not entirely true. now keep in mind all these secret alien agendas arent any better at running our nation than our actual rulers.

carlin will tell you about our rights, or shall we call them temporary privalages as they seem to change semi regularly.
people are down on obama, HOLY SHIT an ineffective president, thats fucking crazy cuz u know thats never happened before.
its not like the presidents alowed to do anything anymore, the whole nations pissed cuz our cow wont lay eggs.
we owe more money to foreign powers than we can hope to pay back within our childrens lives, yet as a nation we seem to have some great fucking credit.
yeah they spray us with shit from the sky, they do, whatever the purpose, the shit they spray does fall down, but its a moot point.

i want yall to come with me now, come onto the roller coaster w me.
i want u to form in your mind.
that everything you know is secretly ruled by some higher authority.
and that that "person" is in fact ruled by someone else weve never imagined.
and that person is in fact ruled by a party that died anonomously in a car crash many, many years ago.
that we are in fact freeballin it, we are being guided in the same way a stampede is guided.
your worried about now, really.

cuz im worried about tomarrow, im worried about the GIANT atmospheric carbon scrubbers that will need to begin being built in the next 15 years.
im worried about whats gonna be left for my son.
did u know that theres a virus out there that infects other viruses and makes them imune to antibiotics?
nobody wants to cop to that being man made. oops we just want u to know a virus much like the virus we made to create new antibiotics has escaped and will kill us all.
my bad.

me i dont worry bout nukes, nor, chem, nor bio. i worry about jeb.
imagine jeb w me.
some redneck in the middle of nowhere w a genious iq.
gets some cheap equipment off ebay.
and the human race ends becuase of a half dog eagle wasp bear snake bat frog.
trust me, when the human race ends, it will be becuase of something exactly that preposterous.

but uhhhhhhhh. soooooo yeah nations in trouble. :-)

did i mention that i beleive there are no conspiracies and that they were all invented to keep people from protesting or sitting in,
think about it, when u could protest against dupont, i mean that was "something" you could protest.
but now, all these shadow rulers, stuff so big u cant protest becuase its to big to find a starting point,
think about it, u could climb a mountain, but what if u had to climb the moon,
where would u even start?

but anywho, yeah were all screwed, im thinkin we can add our genes to the lists of those civ's that came before us.

but who knows, maybe jeb will save us all.

praise jeb.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Dwight D. wasnt fucking around when he warned us.

He was proven right in 1963 and ever since.

Fear and complacency are the best friends of tyrants, the American people supply them in abundance.

Anyone who cares there is a great forum for discussion of stuff like this at

I highly recommend this site to anyone that feels like this country is need of a makeover, and also really a good place for folks that usually feel out of place talking about this kind of stuff.


Well-Known Member
But yea WE ARE AMERICANS we have each other, it is the government that has us all in the shitter right now but together we can work mircles. THANK GOD I AM A AMERICAN.
Now I am going to fire one up and think about the deep shit I am in. HAPPY TD RIU