Aliens have landed!


Well-Known Member
WTF. Woke up this morning to find some little crawley things on my soil. They are only 1mm long and move pretty quick, hence no photo. I've removed the affected soil, cant see any more, probablys just buried them deeper. Anyway, done a bit of looking and I think their silvertails but Im still not 100% sure. Im 3 weeks into flower so re-pottings not really an option. Has any UK growers noticed these little fuckers and what should I do about them. Please help coz Im stuck now. Thanks in advance folks.


Well-Known Member
If you have silver-tails then try and get some bug spray like sevin dust (don't know whats in UK) and that should take care of your problem, got lite on it since your flowering.


Well-Known Member
If you have silver-tails then try and get some bug spray like sevin dust (don't know whats in UK) and that should take care of your problem, got lite on it since your flowering.
There defo silvertails. Found them and paniked, should have researched better before posting. Apparently I made them show themselves by overwatering, but now the top soil is drying out they've gone deeper. What im wondering now is since they dont damage the plant can I just leave them to it, Im not really wanting to use any pesticides unless I have to.