Alaska to sue over beluga whales


New Member
OK, if an employer will only allow a 35 hour work-week, there is always the option of working more than one job, right? Hell, I've worked two jobs before, plenty of times.

The prescription cost is part of the $6000 deductable. So let's see ... a trip to an Urgent Care facility would cost $40 for the office visit. If the patient is short of money for meds, they can ask the doctor for some of his samples ... which most doctors are more than willing to hand out.

So, shopping for insurance and medical providers, asking for sample drugs and asking the pharmacist for generic drugs can take a lot of the cost out of medical care. And then there is the option of using emergency rooms and county hospitals if someone is really destitute. All in all ... its far better than holding a gun at the head of a fellow citizen and expecting that citizen to pay for your medical care, don't you think?



New Member
No such thing as county hospitals where I live. Those are a city thing, we have 2 hospitals that have monopolized the market and can charge however much they want, and they do. All doctors are affilitated with 1 of the 2 hospitals, there is no such thing as a doctor that isn't part of one of the 2 healthcare networks. If you don't carry either of their insurance, you have to pay double for being "out of network".

Docs here don't like to give out samples of meds. They like to prescribe namebrands only, how do you think they get the kickbacks to buy a new car every year.

Where I live healthcare is a business, plain and simple, we do have planned parenthood, so at least women can get their womens issues taken care of, so women with no insurance can at least get their yearly pap test.

Doctors office call $120. That is just to come into the office, that doesn't count the cost if they actually do anything to you.

If you are new at the doctor, you have to pay for one office call to "meet" the doctor. They won't treat you until you've had you $120 "meet and greet".


New Member
^^^ It must really suck to live where you live. Have you considered moving, or would the answer be to just use the gun of government to force your neighbors to pay for your medical treatments?



New Member
^^^ It must really suck to live where you live. Have you considered moving, or would the answer be to just use the gun of government to force your neighbors to pay for your medical treatments?

We, the USA are the only first world country that doesn't have a comprehensive single payer type medical system. A not for profit system where the treatment does not rely on a greedy insurance bureaucrat making life and death decisions about your health. It is way past time to initiate a single payer not for profit medical plan and take some of that rediculous pentagon money to pay for it.


New Member
Move away from a secure job and a home that we own to where? Is there anywhere in America that has good jobs available?

Running away from issues doesn't make them go away. I have health insurance, I'm speaking from the point of view of those who don't have any.

Why is it acceptable for a doctor to charge $120 to spend 5 minutes with you? Are they really worth that much money? What if the patient already knows what is wrong with them and just needs a medication. Why is it right to make them pay $120 for a doctor to write it out on a piece of paper?

It's all about money Vi, all about money. Hospitals charge you for a urinal being on the bathroom wall. Now being female, I've never used a urinal, but I've paid for it to be there. How long does an actual urinal last? 20 years? Does every patient that stays in the room need to pay a urinal fee? Yet this is deemed as acceptable.

Health care is a business and their bottom line is to make as much profit as possible. Health care in America has not been about actually helping people for a long time.

^^^ It must really suck to live where you live. Have you considered moving, or would the answer be to just use the gun of government to force your neighbors to pay for your medical treatments?
