air in soil


Well-Known Member
Dude, why are you fucking with RW when you could have aeroponic fogging going down??:)
I did get my best commercial yields in hydro I do admit, but the buds were lacking at the connoisuer level.. I think its just impossible to provide everything a plant might want without a healthy microbial infrastructure, but I admit I never went for the gimmicky lines of fertilizers, just DNF (still overpriced) and some experiments..
When I went to soil (organically enriched mixes of various forest & meadow dirts with no bias against chems) I found a whole new richness to the genetics I'd grown all along.. I do admit that I pick up on subtle/possibly imaginary aspects of flavour and smell, but I'm always the first person to detect odours and odd flavours etc.. Perhaps its because I've been distilling for so long, and those senses are critical to producing a quality product..
Don't worry.. The RW does get the job done.. For a first grow its fine.. But when you get some experience you'll find that RW can get pretty fucking disgusting, and infact doesn't aerate anywhere near as effectively as the hydro-guy touted unless you have your watering scedule pegged..
If you want a simple hydro setup use hydroton in a drip setup.. Things stay alot cleaner
See, alot of us have been around the block..
I'm working on that.. I got my physics degree, thought I was close at one time, but this newer unparticle theory is turning some shit upside down..
You "got" your physics degree?

You mean you have a degree in physics?

I find that a little hard to believe when you are speaking Ebonics.

My preferred system is DWC by the way, and there is no way soil or organic growing is superior to top quality hydro nutrients. FYI, all the processes that occur in soil result in a handful of end nutrients used by the plant. The only real difference is that in hydro you have precise control over them while in soil you kind of get what you get only without the precision or the aeration. The only benefit of soil is that it's easy.


Well-Known Member
I see you edited your weather/whether snafu in post 17.. Pretty wise considering..
And dude, all I can say is get a tonne grown while you still know everything..