Aerogarden Question For AG Users

Im not hating on AG users or anything, I'm just curious.. Why do ppl try and grow weed in an AG ? I see a TON of ppl online that grow in AG's.. Do you guys/gals grow in AG's because you already had one or because one was readily available? I just cant see why ppl would pay all that money for an AG to grow weed in. I have looked at tons of journals/pics etc from AG grows and imho they are not suitable for growing MJ. What are your reasons for growing MJ in an AG ?


Well-Known Member
mainly for personal use and trying to not get to big... if you ever try one with a lowrider strain youd know why.... short and fat... and its all one unit.. still getting 1 plus oz per plant..


im using 1 reason being it was free. im only using the bulbs and hood because i have it mounted on the top of my grow box (which isnt really that big). i also have 1 43watt CFL in there as well so 3 lights total. it seems to be workin pretty good so far. but i wouldnt go buy 1 if i didnt already have it


Well-Known Member
its best if u get the ones that have the 250watt hps... way better yield...but i agree id rather go big