Aerogarden, 1st timer, bagseed


Well-Known Member
Well, we're only a few days away from harvest here so these may be the final pics of my first grow attempt. No nutes since Sunday to prep them. Hairs are turning red pretty rapidly. Trichomes, well, they're still mostly cloudy/milky and not too much amber but I'm cool without the "couchlock" feeling for my first grow. At this point, I gotta get these ladies outta here and processed so I can use that space for the lowryders I'm working on. Ph has been a little shifty but manageable. I'll be sure to let everyone know yield and smoke report. Gonna take a while with all the curing and stuff. All in all, I learned a boatload from this grow (and everyone's helpful posts) and look forward to applying it to my next grow. I'll definately update again after I cut'm down and hang'em to dry and get some pics of that. No idea what yield will be but I'm keeping the hopes real low.

Pic 1) This is the top of the main cola of the bigger plant. Blueish green tinge. Looks pretty cool and hopefully will yield a decent amount from this. The lower bud-sites have buds but nothing to staggering.

Pic 2) This is the mutant plant that fought and beat out the tomato :shock:. This would be a really impressive looking plant if it weren't only 8" (thats what she said:o). Lots of leaves and hairs everywhere. The trichs on this one are much more amber. Tried a sample on Sunday but only a tiny amount. Definately felt it but I'm sure I damaged thc content with the quick dry method. As you can see, the lower bud sites are still very immature and barely existent. The top of it looks ready to go though.

Pic 3



Well-Known Member
Hey All,

Well, it's finally done. Chopped both plants down today. It was day 62 of flowering. The trichs were mostly cloudy with some amber in them. I chose to do water curing with this grow. The main reason I'm going this way is cause I'm real low on smoke (water curing is only about 10 days til smoke) and since this is for personal use I don't mind the drop in weight for the exchange of the higher thc% per bowl/joint. With an air cure, I would be waiting another 3 weeks. Bad part is, I lose the flavor and smell of this grow. Not a big problem for me, but would've been nice to taste my 1st grow.

They'll stay in the water for 7 days before I air dry them for a couple of more. After that, definate smoke report. I imagine the yield will be real low. Probably somewhere around an 1/8 after the water cure. Definately learned a lot this grow and still learning tons each day. Thanks to all that helped, stopped bye, and pitched in for my 1st. This has been a blast and there is a great community on this site. For now, my focus will be on my current/new grow (attempting to grow lr2's and make seeds as well in order to set up a SOG with that quick strain). I'll put a link in my sig as soon as I figure out how the hell to do that:-?. Take it easy everyone. I'll post a smoke report in another 10 days.


Well-Known Member
Don't water cure all of it!! just water cure half and air dry/jar cure the other half, you wont smoke up all of the water-cured in the meantime...


Well-Known Member
Today was day 7 of water curing. The jars were emptied this afternoon. Hanging the buds was a pain in the ass. Some were too small to hang dry so I had to put them on a big drying rack and then hang the drying rack near the other buds on a line. I had wet buds fallin all over the place. It sucked (will have pics tomorrow).

I'll keep them there for 2 days and then it should be time for the smokin of my 1st grow:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well. The seeds that I ordered last Sunday got here on Saturday. I'm impressed with the speed and the stealth from Attitude seeds. I got 10-lowryder 2 seeds, which I'm intending on breeding so that I don't have to go through this hassle again. I also got 10-Auto AK47 x Auto Blueberry (again, planning on breeding seeds again). And of course, Attitude threw in G13 Labs seeds; 1-feminized Pure Gold, 1-feminized Super Skunk, and 5-non femmd Thai Super Skunk. So, with the new seeds and the current one I have growing being at 21 days of flowering, it's looking like it's time for a new set up.

I have a mostly completed DWC just waiting to be used. I just need to add another airstone, buy some hydroton rocks, and get some net cups and I'm good to go. I can pretty much use the cfls and aerogarden hood that I used to veg the current plants. Time to hit up the hydroshop!:eyesmoke:

As for this grow, the plant is still looking yellowy. It's chillin with water right now. I must have accidently overfed it when I pulled the giant male plant out. Plus, I noticed that the fox farm nutes I'm using arent' the "hydro" ones. The only thing "hydro" that I could find by them was the Grow Big solution. It tooks like it's not really a problem as the ones I bought said it would work in soil or hydro. I'm just not sure if I need to do any diluting of the nutes to adjust for this (or the fact that I only have 1 plant at the moment.

I'm waiting on digital ph tester and TDS meter along with a couple of fans to improve circulation to arrive in the mail soon. That should help give clarification to some of the issues that I've been having in this grow. I also ordered this Clearex stuff which is supposed to be very good for cleaning/flushing the rez. So with any luck, this grow should be fast improving.

I can't believe the heat that comes off of the 150 hps. I had the closet door closed for 3 hours today in the morning with that hps on...temps were at 99 degrees!:twisted: With the door open, the temp stays at 74 deg and right around 40% humidity. Odor is still not a problem and I've got some reinforcement in that area (2 Ionic Breezes for air filtration). Gonna need the odor control for the autoflowerers. Updated pics comin up soon.

You gotta keep in mind AeroGarden is aeroponic gardening. Meaning the roots are suspended in the air. (I'm a bit of a newbie myself, so i think i'm right here, if not take it easy fellas and correct me). But to my knowledge I wouldn't think using hydro nutes would have any adverse effect on an aeroponic setup.

Then again i'm a damn fool, i was too anxious to pick up an AG grow kit, with the little sponge cages, so i ditched the lid all together on the base, filled with hydrotron and a touch of miracle gro potting soil and converted it into a planter to start my seedlings. Then moved to a General Hydroponics WaterFarm. Seemed to work though. This doesn't have much to do with what you got going on. Sorry about that bro, this bowl is just too strong.


Well-Known Member
Here's the pics of the drying nugs. They are drying incredibly quickly! I haven't noiced the loss in mass just yet. they look to be about the same size they were coming off of the plants. They still have another day to go on the drying.

Pic 1) Here's a close up of one of the nugs.

Pic 2) Here's the general setup down there in my basement.

Pic 3) Here's why you shouldnt hang dry in the basement. The temp is fine but the humidity! 43%! Yikes. Sadly, I really don't have any other option at the moment and despite the high humidity, they are still drying very quickly.

There's definately a different smell to them. Doesn't really smell like week. Doesn't really smell like anything I've smelled before. I plan on smoking them either tomorrow or late Tuesday. I will of course post the smoke report. I won't be able to determine exact weight as I don't own a scale.



Well-Known Member
Yeah. I was a little lost on the manicuring process to say the least. I couldn't find any good visual resources to determine what to cut and what to leave. I basically followed the water curing guide listed here and really only chopped the fan leaves (leaving anything with trich's on the plant to be cured)
If you see the manicuring job he does in that one, you'll see the "visual" example I went off of. I obviously need more work and research on the manicuring part and any resources/links would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
In dramatic conclusion to my grow, my very 1st homemade weed ironically became smokeable on 4/20.:shock:

All the smaller nugs on the hanging baking sheet were dry and smokeable. I took a nug from the little plant that fought the tomato. Hits the head quickly. Mild couchlock high. Overall very good! The taste and smell are something totally different with the water cure. It's hard to describe. It just smells like a random herb. Not like weed at all. Relatively tasteless. A little harsh smoke but that's probably due to my not-so-great manicuring job. Can't wait to test the bigger plant tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link SICC. Looks like all I gotta do is trim some of the leaves that are sticking out a bit more now and I should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
Here's the finished product. Still have some leaf cutting to do though. No scale to measure it with but it's probably about somewhere around a 1/2 oz dry. The buds are far from airtight but oh well. I got through my 1st official grow:hump:...and am now getting my ass kicked in my 2nd one (

That's the thread to my new grow in which I'm taking on the task of making lr2 seeds to start a SOG. Stop by anytime. Butters out!

Thanks to all who stopped by, checked in, added advice, asked questions, etc... This was a great experience and you all made it a whole lot easier. Special thanks to SICC for contributing so much and providing all of the much-needed links to issues and questions that I had along the way (You are a true shepherd leading us newbie sheep to safety in the process of growing kiss-ass).

I still can't get over this site! If they had something like this for cancer research that shit would've been cured already. Thanks for all of the help and I hope to see all of your current and future grows. Keep growing!


