Advice On Keeping An Albino Squash Plant Alive?


Well-Known Member
Planted some Bush White Scalloped Squash and one of the seedlings is completely white. I know it probably won't do with as it presumably has no chlorophyl. I was wondering if I fed it lightly in the begining and made sure it had "carbs", would it survive? Any thoughts?


Active Member
I wish I could help but I don't know.

Try googling albino squash and see what pops up and keep us updated.

In the meantime hopefully someone can chime in with some advice.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd just see what it does over the next couple weeks. Perhaps it's not absent chlorophyll, but simply hasn't developed any color yet? I'm certainly no expert, but I think a wait and see approach is probably your best bet, that and get another seed started in case it doesn't work out.

As for the feeding question, wish I had some advice there, but I've never run across something like this before.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I've got others started, I just didn't transplant this one to the garden. I'm keeping it out of direct sunlight and feeding it a weak balanced fert. Figure if it doesn't have Chlorophyl, it can't make it's own food and will need more from the soil.


Well-Known Member
Ah, gotcha. Well, you never know, and an experiment is always interesting. I'll be interested to see how this works out for you.