

New Member
I took a 36mg adderall pill a couple times and what it did was make me EXTREMLY happy, and able to concentrate well in school work.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
man i really like it, you take a few and u feel so good ! u feel alert and focused, you can talk to any girl, and jeeezus christ you can fight. the only thing to remember is to eat food if you wanna sleep and don't let yourself get depressed. it's the only drug i do outside of weed, and i think it's very enjoyable.

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
Oh man! I LOVE ADDERALL! The high is amazing, the most I've done is 220mg all at once it was incredible! If you don't mind some minor stomach discomfort it's great! You're bursting with energy and you have just a huge wave of euphoria fall over you. The come down isn't too bad, I've been up for 3days straight at some times, hallucinations occurred, but nothing too major. I'd really suggest trying it.


I try to constantly educate myself. There are some guys on Zoklet and Bluelight that make me look retarded, on Zoklet the chem gets above my head and on bluelight the neuropharmacology tends to be a little overwhelming for me.
bluelight is where I go for factual info on new drugs, or on uncommon topics with common drugs..... there's some great heads there.... maybe one day i'll finally register :)

+rep for the badass burn :)