Accidental uprooted baby! help!!


Active Member
I accidentally uprooted a two week old baby that was very healthy. I believe some of the roots are planted, what are the best steps to take in preserving its life?


Well-Known Member
yep my mate done a 3week old ww and it looked real bad but 3-4days later looks great again and there very bushy for there age tooo xD


Well-Known Member
probably not you may have infact did just that cant say that would have been the first thing that came to my mind. although if i seen it when it happen i may have just done the same thing


Well-Known Member
Did I mess up by applying rooting solution to the exposed roots and base of the plant?
Naw, probably not, as long as you didn't use too much. This is one of those things, like Superthrive, that's better if you go too easy than too hard.


Well-Known Member
Ive uprooted lots of mine by simply watering too hard, and da plant goes down,,,, I just prop it back up and I have never lost a soldier yet....:leaf: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR LITTLE ONE.......:leaf: