AACT: Can i use a gas powered water pump with a garden hose? will it damage the pump?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I am trying to find a efficient way to use my AACT in my vegitable garden, and hand watering sounds not so cool. I was wondering if I could just buy a gas powered water pump, and reduce the output line to say, a garden hose (or any kind of pipe that i can attach a sprayer to) without damaging the gas powered pump. I was thinking about something like this: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=gas+powered+water+pump&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=np&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=7575705450087295100&sa=X&ei=Va6FT7GBGpOItwe82eHqBw&ved=0CIwBEPMCMAA

So far this is the best idea I have for soil drenching my AACT over about a 1.5 acre area.

Does anyone know if this will work? Or, have a better idea of how i could easily soil drench the 1.5acre plot? I have seen complete systems with a gas powered pump, a giant res and a long hose to spray with, but the complete set up costs over $1k and I could make one myself (if it wouldnt hurt the pump) for about $250.


Well-Known Member
uh as long as there is nothing in the the tea that corrodes metal or plastic abnormally fast i think you will be alright with any kind of pump as long as it doesn't clog up, freeze, or have massive temp changes for a good long time....


Well-Known Member
Sure, you just have to not let it get too hot and start cavitating. A smaller pump would be better but as long as you keep the water moving and don't let it just pressure up and have no where to go it should be fine.