AAAA little girls 2 smoke.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well i got my first decent grow. this is my 2nd grow & this is how i grow my shit. 1st i get my clones & put them right into for me 19 gallon pots. during the 1st week i only give them ph water. the 2nd week i start feeding them nuts. i mix all together MG triple 20, bat guano, & super thrive. i feed 2gal. per girl every 3 days for 8 week. ya i veg for 8 wks because i want big plants. i run a 400wtt mh 24 a day and the last week of veg i put them in the flower room with my 1000wt hps w/ lights running 24hrs, & during that week i give them their bud blood. now its flower time, begining of 1st week in flower now lights are cut back to 12/12. during the 1st week i mix all together bud blood, big bud,super thrive, & giant bloom. from 2nd week on i stop the bud blood and contiue everthing else. pic.1 day 1 of veg. pic.2 6 weeks into veg. pic.3 8 weeks veg. pic.4 & 5 6 weeks in flower. pic.6 one of my cola buds. pic.7 one of my monsters. pic.8 harvest day i cut all the big fan leaves off to show all the buds. pic.9 my medicine. well i think i coverd everything, what do u think all complament & seg. are welcome. have a good grow everyone.

