A silly little DMT thought experiment.


Active Member
I have not yet tried DMT but have read many reports.

It seems clear to me that if DMT is produced directly or indirectly by the pineal gland near the moment of death there can be no spiritual significance to this.

I'm thinking of those who, through no fault of their own, are run over by a steamroller (or any other case of instantaneous death). In their cases they will not experience the 'God molecule'. Are they any less deserving?

Perhaps it is there only to ease the suffering of only those having to die a slow death? If so how did this evolve? What is the evolutionary benefit?


Well-Known Member
Yea Ive had the same thought before.
If you die instantly do you not go to heaven? lol
Partly I think DMT transports your spiritual energy into the next dimention when you body dies. If your body is still alive when the DMT wears off you come back to this level. If your body is dead you move on from there. Without the DMT to switch planes you might be a little fucked

I'm not stating any of this as fact, I actually don't fully believe what I just typed, but it seems possible
The question as to how it could have evolved is a good one.
Perhaps it is merely a side effect of something else that is happening for example DMT also plays a role in dreaming, and is released frequently by the peneal gland. Perhaps merely by chance the process that triggers the peneal gland to release DMT during REM sleep happends to occur more intensely as a side of effect of death. So it could be merely a coincidence that DMT is being released at death.
Or there could be some sortof "divine intervention" occuring in which DMT is an extremey important molecule and some other force is affecting our evolution to allow for the DMT release. In other words "god" put it there. I doubt that idea myself

Just some possible answers to a very difficult question


Active Member
Yea Ive had the same thought before.
If you die instantly do you not go to heaven? lol
Partly I think DMT transports your spiritual energy into the next dimention when you body dies. If your body is still alive when the DMT wears off you come back to this level. If your body is dead you move on from there. Without the DMT to switch planes you might be a little fucked

I'm not stating any of this as fact, I actually don't fully believe what I just typed, but it seems possible
The question as to how it could have evolved is a good one.
Perhaps it is merely a side effect of something else that is happening for example DMT also plays a role in dreaming, and is released frequently by the peneal gland. Perhaps merely by chance the process that triggers the peneal gland to release DMT during REM sleep happends to occur more intensely as a side of effect of death. So it could be merely a coincidence that DMT is being released at death.
Or there could be some sortof "divine intervention" occuring in which DMT is an extremey important molecule and some other force is affecting our evolution to allow for the DMT release. In other words "god" put it there. I doubt that idea myself

Just some possible answers to a very difficult question
Very interesting. I wasn't aware that DMT was released during REM. I don't know also why I did not make the connection between DMT and meditation. Meditation stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands (I always knew this). This seems a likely explanation as to why I see sacred geometry with my third eye often when I meditate.


Well-Known Member
DMT is likely produced all throughout the body, just as we have receptors not just in our brains... in fact the notion of the brain being limited to just the stuff between your ears is a little 20th century. They now know that you have many areas in the body run by their own "processing centres". THe highest concentration of DMT you wil find in your body is likely in your poop.


Active Member
DMT is likely produced all throughout the body, just as we have receptors not just in our brains... in fact the notion of the brain being limited to just the stuff between your ears is a little 20th century. They now know that you have many areas in the body run by their own "processing centres". THe highest concentration of DMT you wil find in your body is likely in your poop.
wow. eat shit and get high?


Well-Known Member
lol that doesnt sound a fun nite. the crazy thing about dmt is that weve found it in nearly all living things. to make it takes a compound and an enzyme thats very basic in the process of making living tissue. thats why its in everything from grass to humans. theres a lot of interesting theories about dmt. i personally believe it opens your mind up to a world that is all around us and i believe dmt are what causes dreams.