A Little Guidance


Active Member
OK gentlemen this will be my first grow I will be using DW the same design as the Stealth Bubbleponics but for a quarter of the cost. 400W HPS and MS convertible digital ballast in a 4X4X7 Reflective grow tent. I will be using Canna Aqua Veg A+B and Rhizotonic for first three to four weeks with one week interval res changes. I have a pH and PPM meter. I plan to use the water from my fish tank since I have hard water, it is conditioned, filtered and the pH range looks really good. I need to know what am I missing and how often do I run my nuet feed if not contentiously. Please tell me if there is something that I shouldn’t do also. :???:


Well-Known Member
This is very interesting. i also have a few aquatic tanks, and have been pondering just trying to introduce some of the food that i feed my corals. im going to have to research this more and who knows, stumble onto something good, seeing how my corals in my saltwater tank basicly need the same requirements of light and food regimen to photosythesize to grow!

Why would u use old aquatics water tho? U can purchase ph up and down to get ph levels right?


Active Member
I use the water from my tank in my flower beds around my house and all my plants did really well, so it seems like a good idea. I have read some research articles on aquaponics and all have had good results. From what I understand the tank would have to be well established mean that there is enough beneficial bacteria to break down the ammonia from the fish wastes. The bacteria waste is nitrite which plants consume, it just seems like the water is better than other filtered tap for drinking water. I wanted to try and avoid adjusting the pH altogether.:idea:


Well-Known Member
Yessir I totally agree and understand about the nitrites and nitrates as i too have a few saltwater and freshwater tanks established. All I was saying is that fish create all kinds of other natural bacteria and even diseases that ur plants are susceptible to as well. I do get it tho and understand why. All im saying is this U want to keep ur grow environment as cleanly and controlled as possible. U can take simple or r/o or /uv water and by following the instructions on the bottle of nutes u would feed ur plants. Also plants eat other nutrients than whats found in fish water that the ammonia ur fish create also kills. So its a catch 22. check out this thread in the hydro and aero section, its getting interesting and discussions are similar in comparison to aquatics. anyhow hope that helps


Active Member
Thanks maybe I will just go with the filtered water to avoid any problems. Is it harder to raise a garden in filtered hard water?


Well-Known Member
Nope its much easier to grow in filtered hard water but ur going to want to get them some plant food, cuz its what they need to grow. Very similar to feeding saltwater corals actually almost exact.